Welcome to my Portfolio
Cirenio V. Sanchez
Senior, California State University Chico Computer Information Systems
Cybersecurity and Business Minor
Since childhood, I've been captivated by computers, knowing early on that a career in technology was my calling. Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems (CINS), I'm honing my skills in C++, databases, networks, and web development. Explore some of my projects above, or learn about my recent projects below!
Disclaimer: Due to my academic integrity responsibilities my source code will not be available to the general public.
Learn more about CSU Chico's Policy on Academic Integrity below
Junior SPRING 2024
During this semester along with attending a full set of classes I also worked with DingXin Cheng and Michael Larson.
Under the mentorship of Professor Michael Larson, I was thrilled to have been selected as a lab assistant for his CSCI 111 class. I am eager to contribute to the learning experience of students as they delve into the fundamentals of C++
Under the guidance of Dr.Cheng, Director of the California Pavement Preservation Center, Daniel Gaona and I were tasked with developing a newsletter signup website.
After 5 months in development we were able to deploy a WAMP based website that allows Dr.Cheng to administrate a database of the over 3,000 newsletter subscribers. This website contains a complete admin UI pages which allow
Over the summer I have the privilege of working with Dr.Dingxin Cheng. Once we wrapped up the newsletter signup website Dr.Cheng already had my next challenge lined up.
This challenge consisted of understanding and modifying his Moodle website in order to implement a custom plugin to automate the signup/enrollment of users from a CSV file. This plugin was built to offer multiple methods of execution and includes security measures to ensure no unwanted access to the page. This plugin was successfully implemented, Saving Dr.Cheng hours of manually processing users into his website.
Summer 2024 CSE Work
As I continue to work with Dr.Dingxin Cheng and Professor Michael Larson through my last semesters at Chico State I am learning more knowledge than I ever have.
As my capstone project I will be working on building a website for pothole reporting. Built on a WAMP software stack we are currently working on developing an interactive QGIS map to display our data. I am very excited to work on this massive project and slowly bring the pieces together. This project has the potential to help keep our roads good and make a change for the better.
Senior Fall 2024
Rock Paper Scissors
Console game I created in my first computer programing and algorithms class.
Intersection Simulation
C++ application that accepts a file as input to simulate an intersection
Wordle Clone
C++ console game mimicking the world famous Wordle game
C++ console game, This was made over winter break for fun!
Semester I
Semester II
Asterisk Bar Chart
This was the introduction project to CSCI 211 Professor Brian Herring gave us this to warm up our coding skills for an intense semester
Video Record Sorters
These projects were my first introduction to dynamic memory allocation using pointers. Along with this we were re-introduced to classes and objects, the last subject of the previous semester
Reverse Polish Notation Calculator
This was a very fun project to implement. This application further helped me develop my skills with C++ and encapsulation in main
Kwik-E-Mart Simulation
Infamous CSCI 211 Project that was used to demonstrate how to properly implement a priority queue. This program is meant to simulate the operation of a convenience store set in the world of The Simpsons television show
This program is designed to print characters onto the screen using 2-D arrays
Binary Search Tree
Simple implementation of a BST using strings
Semester III
Solo Work
Run Time of Sorting Algorithms
The first program introduced in CSCI 311, I practiced implementing, timing, and analyzing several sorting algorithms.
Airport Simulation
Another queue project similar to the Kwik-E-Mart. This time we focused on implementing a queue that also followed a certain procedure
Dijkstra's algorithm Electric Car Problem
Final Project of CSCI 311, Dijkstra's was a fun algorithm to implement and further manipulate to achieve a solution to our problem
Group Work
HTML Tag and Byte Counter
My first ever networking application. This application has the ability to receive a HTML message from a host and return the user the amount of "<p>" tags and how many bytes were received
Peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing application
Implementing the peer side of a server, This application was useful in providing me more experience using network sockets and API's
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) File Download
Implementation of the host side of a server. This project exposed me to using the select() function